Growing Roses
0Question: Roses are such beautiful flowers that it might be nice to grow them in my yard. The ones that appeal to me are the type you can pick and put into vases to display in your home. Where is the best location to grow roses and what preventative measures can I take to grow healthy ones?
Roses, like many flowering plants, bloom their best when planted in an eastern setting. This early morning sunlight helps to dry off the foliage which will cut back on the powdery mildew and black spotting that plague roses. A good drainage area is also a requirement to prevent standing water. Build rose beds for ease in care and maintenance. Spraying with a rose fungicide every two weeks will help with the black spotting fungus. When pruning make clean cuts one-eighth inch above another bud in the direction in which you want the plant to branch out. During the growing season, fertilize lightly once a month. Through good maintenance and care,
your home’s rose bouquets will be outstanding.