Knockout Rose Bushes


Jessie Faucette wrote:
We recently moved into a new home. At first I loved the knock out rose bushes
that were around the front of my home, but they were very unruly since the house
had been vacant for 2 years. Over the summer they grew to 8 feet tall and you
could barely see the roof of my front porch. I read that I should not prune
them until early spring, but I just could not stand my new house looking like
something out of jungle book any longer. I “pruned” them ( on Aug.
23)down to about 4 feet tall. This made my home have much more “curb
appeal”, but I am afraid I have ruined my rose bushes. Did I make a huge
mistake? Is there anything I can do to try and assure they will be beautiful
and bloom next year?

Dear Jessie,
Your knockout rose bushes should come back with all the glory that they once exhibited.
Keep enjoying these beautiful plants and think positive!
My Best,