Controlling Black Spot


Michael D. wrote:
Hi Stan, I live in north jersey, not a real rainy climate in the summer but
every year come end of july, august I get hit with black spot, it’s like clock
work. I try everything. I spray with orthos disease control as recommended
before it hits and then do everything that is recommended by everybody when it
hit and nothing stops the block spot. I remove all the leaves that are infected
into the garbage, I remove the top layer of soil and give a good spraying and
with in a week it is back. by the end of the summer my bushes have no leaves
left on them every year. I have decided to buy 10 new disease resistant rose
bushes and get ride of the ones I have. It just bothers me that- thats what I
have to do to get good bushes. Any advise before I do this. I have tried
everything. Thank You Stan

Dear Michael,
It sounds like you are doing all the right things. Maybe these need disease resistant roses will decrease your problems.
Planting them where they will be get the early morning sunlight, often helps the leaves to dry early and cuts down on some
of this fungal problem. Let me know how these new roses do for you.
My best,