A Difference of Opinion.


Dear Stan:
I recently watched your show airing on May 8th 2001. I have been in the
industry for over 40 years and am a graduate of the University of Florida B.S.
Horticulture. Sorry to be critical but the constant use of fertilizer as
“plant food” as you know is incorrect. There is plenty of incorrect
information with respect to gardening. So it is important that our home
gardners get the correct information when ever possible.
I hope you take this with the spitr it was written, let’s give them good
gardening information so our gardeners are better informed and succesfull.

Earl Poppell

Dear Earl:
I too have been advising people for over 40 years and respect your opinion. I
have, however, found more problems from under fertilizing than from over
fertilizing. I do agree that if you can build an enriched soil, compost and natural
organics, you can cut down or eliminate the need for commercial fertilizers.
In general, I find our Florida sand quite lacking in the nutrients healthy plants
need to grow to their full potential. Keep up the good work of advising our
fellow Horticultural enthusiasts.
My best,